Omnia Incommoda, Certitudo Nulla presents

Night ​World

A dark, angsty RPG project for ​a world not so unlike our own.



FanX is the first game set in the Night World. It’s a game about being ​angry at the ​world, being sad for yourself and finally being trapped inside a ​social network of other ​people who are angry and sad and whatever. You ​also play Vampires!

The game features a dice-drop technique to generate a social dungeon, in ​which the ​characters will move. It should be better played with little ​preparation in advance (a ​part from learning how it works, that is) and is ​suited both for one-shots or short ​campaigns.

FanX is currently a work in progress by The Kernel in Yellow and Dada Dan ​Akiko. It will ​be released under CC-BY-NC-SA and will be published under ​the Fallimento Assicurato ​banner. You can find news, playtests and, eventually, the game here

Fallimento Assicurato presents



The Kernel in Yellow


Dada Dan Akiko


What’s this?

This is a space where I’ll share anything related to the Night World. You’ll find here, obviously, links to content ​developed by me, but, upon request, I’ll also link any related works (either set in the same fictional world or ​derived from the original game)

What’s the Night World?

It’s a fictional double of our world, where dark and bloodthirsty monsters dwell and, sadly, ​replicate the worst of our instincts. It’s not a pleasant place for a stroll, but, hopefully, it’s the ​right place for a game.

Can I base my stuff on this?

Absolutely yes! Everything will be released as CC-BY-SA-NC, which means that you’ll be free to make your own ​​hack (and release it under the same license so somebody can do the same). Also, while you’re under no obligation ​​to do so, you can always message me at TO BE DEFINED and I’ll link your work here.